Available in Flat-top, V-Top, Heated or Non-Heated combinations
Your surgery style and patient requirements are unique to your practice. The features offered on one operating table may not be the
features you require most. That's why we have used our unequaled stainless steel fabricating expertise to design a wide selection of operating
tables. You're sure to find one to meet your unique surgery requirements as well as your facility budget.
The Elite Base has an adjustable height table with a manual tilting top. Convenient pump-action foot pedals activate the hydraulic
lifting mechanism to smoothly raise and lower the table
Table top also may be rotated a full 360 degrees. Mounting bracket/tilt mechanism is made entirely of stainless steel for unsurpassed
strength and durability. Table top may be locked in any position from horizontal to near vertical.
Top can be raised or lowered from 33.5" to 42.5"
For customers that already have a Suburban standard tilt surgery table; Conversion Kit available (call for price)
For discounted pricing on this surgery table and the full line of Suburban products, call your apexx Equipment Consultant
Ask your apexx Equipment Consultant for more information about the Access-A-Rail Operating Table System Accessories
Standard table: Flat top, non-heated, 58" length (V-top, heated and 46" length available)