Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pump

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Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pump
  • Calibrated to Syringe Manufacturers: BD® / Monoject™ / Terumo® / B.Braun®
  • The Medfusion® 3500 syringe pump is an intuitive system designed to enhance safety while maintaining simplicity
  • Precise delivery of fluids and medication allows for the implementation of a wider range of treatment modalities
  • An intuitive system designed to enhance safety while maintaining simplicity
  • Precise delivery of fluids and medications allows for the implementation of a wider range of treatment modalities
  • Extensive infusion rate range from 0.01 mL/hr to 1130 mL/hr
  • Accommodates a wide range of syringe sizes from 1 cc up to 60 cc
  • Delivery options: Bolus dose, loading dose, KVO rate, volume limit, standby, occlusion alarm, delayed start
  • Delivery routes: Arterial, epidural, intravenous, intrathecal, subcutaneous, enteral
  • Delivery modes: Continuous, intermittent and bolus dose: Milligram (mg), microgram (mcg), nanogram (ng), milliliter (mL or cc); Body Weight / Surface Area: Kilogram (kg), meters squared (m2), hr, min, day, time
  • Unrivaled accuracy, +/- 2% excluding syringe accuracy
  • Programmable MRI indicated for use outside of 150 Gauss line with shielded magnets of 1.5 Tesla or less
  • Optional: Rotating pole clamp (45 and 90 degree) that tilts the pump forward for screen visibility of pumps mounted near the top of the pole
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